Alphabet armbånd
Armbånd fra Alphabet kollektionen, som giver et personligt udtryk, da du kan customize det præcis som du vil. For eksempel med forbogstaverne for dine børn, din mand eller dig selv. Eller et hjerte eller stjerne ved siden af bogstaverne?
Armbåndet kan bestilles i 18 Karat Hvid, Gul eller Rosa Guld. Se priseksempler herunder, og kontakt os for at customize dit personlige armbånd.
1 bogstav 11.500,-
2 bogstaver 14.800,-
3 bogstaver 18.300,-
4 bogstaver 22.000,-
5 bogstaver 26.300,-
6 bogstaver 29.000,-
FEMME 0,42CT m. 109 brillanter dkr. 26.300,-
LOVE U 0,15CT m. 42 brillanter dkr. 17.300,-
MY STAR 0,20CT m. 51 brillanter dkr. 18.300,-
You have full right of return on all items purchased on* If you wish to return an item, you must notify us within 14 days of receipt, and then you have 14 days to send it back. You can cancel a purchase even if the item has been used. An item is only used if it is used beyond what is possible by testing the item in a physical store. If the item has been used, a concrete assessment is made of what the used item can be sold for to another consumer. Any depreciation in value should not be returned to the consumer.
If the purchase is canceled, the amount is paid back to the same payment card from which the purchase was made, however, within a period of 14 days. If you wish to return an item, a return form must be used, you can use this return form.
*If the item is a special order, the right of return may not apply. We will contact you after your order if this is the case.